Patiently waiting.

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

A charming clip sent in by one of our keepers today. The lapwings are hatching well. This female has sat on her four eggs for approximately 26 days suffering hail, sleet and rain. Her hard work has been rewarded with four healthy fluffy chicks. The next stage is equally challenging as she must lead them off to feed on small insects and invertebrates without being attacked by raptors, ravens, crows, stoats, weasels, rats and domestic pooches that are off the lead. The delicate nature of these fragile chicks is clear to see in this video and when mum is alarmed or off the chicks they are extremely vulnerable. Apologies to keep having to reiterate the 'dogs on leads' mantra but visitors to the dales are still allowing their dogs to run freely where birds like lapwings are trying earnestly to rear their young. Just because you don't see the birds doesn't mean they're not hidden close by. These lapwings were a mere five metres from a road and footpath. It would be lovely to see these fluff balls mature in safety. Enjoy the clip and the joys that our grouse moors offer to everyone.


Spot the wader chicks.


Ground Nesting Meadow Pipits