Ground Nesting Meadow Pipits

Nidderdale Moorland Group

Life can be precarious for our ground nesting birds and for one small bird that is a vital part of our moorland ecosystem this is especially true as they face more challenges than most!

Often overlooked, the small brown streaky Meadow Pipits face several challenges as they incubate and rear their chicks to fledging age.

From the weather, insect food supply, predation of eggs and chicks and adults by other birds, mammals and even our moorland Adders who will take chicks from the nest, to having the nest spotted and then visited by one of the local Cuckoos who will leave the hard working Meadow Pipit parents their egg to incubate and then the Cuckoo chick to raise on it's own as the Cuckoo chick will dispose of the eggs and any chicks of it's Meadow Pipit foster parents by pushing them out of the nest.

Life for this small brown moorland Pipit is very hard, but they are a vital part of our moorland ecosystems.


Patiently waiting.


Put your dogs on a lead.