Nidderdale Moorland Group
Spotted by one of our moorland gamekeepers last week as it slithered through some rushes, this Adder is showing the distinctive diamond shaped pattern along the back and the silver colouring of male Adders.
Females are more rustic brown in colour , but still have the distinctive pattern of diamonds down the centre of the back.
As autumn approaches Adders are still active and will be taking every opportunity to feed well before it's time to hibernate, normally from October - March, depending on the weather and temperatures.
As the cooler days of autumn arrive Adders are slower in moving away if they sense danger and so please keep to footpaths with dogs under close control on short leads to avoid any chance of disturbing our local Adders.
If either a person or pet is bitten by an Adder please seek medical attention straight away as they can potentially be very serious.
Remain calm and keep the bite site as still as possible.
This will help prevent the venom from spreading, although you should not put anything tight around the site, such as a tourniquet or pressure bandage, as this will not help either.
Do not try to cut or suck out the venom from the wound site or apply anything to the area.
Seek immediate medical attention or veterinary help.
Adders are generally secretive and timid and will always slither quietly away into cover whenever possible if they are disturbed.