A visit from Denmark

Peak District Moorland Group

Although the weather on Sunday was wet, it was a great pleasure in welcoming 20 Danish students studying on the Wildlife Manager Course from The Forest School, University of Copenhagen.

PDMG and some PD moorland gamekeepers have been involved with the University for 13 years and it’s always a great honour to welcome such an engaged group out onto the Peak District moors to discuss all aspects of sustainable moorland land management in our modern times.

Habitat management, predator management, wildfire mitigation, visitor interaction, carbon sequestration and biodiversity gains were just some of the topics that were discussed.

Sadly, the 05:00 grouse count had to be abandoned due to the poor visibility - but we managed to walk onto several broods of red grouse, along with wheatear, skylark, curlew, kestrel, meadow pipit and red kite.

This was the first visit of their international week long study tour, which also encompasses other shooting and conservation estates and discussions with land managers, then ending with a visit to the Game Fair at Ragley.


Berry nice


Hare today…