Put a ring on it.

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

Bird ringing returns not only provide valuable data for ornithologists they also help illustrate the value of good habitats, breeding success and effects of predation. Here on the managed moors of the Yorkshire Dales bird ringing by our keepers and supporters has been focusing on the abundant wader pulli recently. Having vibrant, robust populations of red listed waders on our moors means ringing opportunities are prolific. Working with, and as BTO ringers, our moor keepers are boosting the numbers of waders being recorded in ways that are difficult to replicate anywhere else. Having excellent wader numbers permits this and demonstrates the fact that waders are up to five times more abundant on managed grouse moors. Gamekeepers = Wildlife!


New specialist wildfire training will teach the fire services to use fire to fight wildfires


A Letter to The Times Editor, from the Chairman of the RMG