Happy Bog Day from Nidderdale

Nidderdale Moorland Group

Happy #BogDay from Nidderdale.

Our managed moorlands are home to a wide diversity of specialist bog loving plants and here are a few pictures of these colourful and fascinating plants who love thrive in the acidic, wet conditions of the blanket bog.

Our managed moorlands are home to many different habitats from the dry and wet heaths to blanket bogs, habitats that support a wide diversity of flora from the small carnivorous Sundew's with their tiny, delicate white flowers on long slender stems which are appearing now to the carpets of Sphagnum mosses, Wild Cranberries, Cotton Grasses, Bog Asphodel, Cross Leaved Heath, Rushes and Sedges.


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Kids “learn moor’ at Let’s Learn Moor