Marsden Wildfire.

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

This is sobering short film. Grouse moors are precious resources for water, carbon storage, wildlife and people. They inspire us, they create opportunities for recreation but they are also important work places. Whilst moorland gives the impression of wild untamed habitat it is actually carefully nurtured by gamekeepers not just for grouse but as an ecosystem supporting an important range of rare species. Although the reader may find it hard to believe, these moors are in jeopardy. They are vulnerable to government policy. They are vulnerable to experimental decisions being made by Trusts and charities who believe they know how to manage our uplands. The YDMG believes they and the other moorland groups know more about how to safeguard our moorlands than these well intentioned but misguided organisations. The evidence in the film speaks for its self. You can find the link here.


Lets talk about traps!


One, two, skip a few.