Mad April Hares

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

Mad April Hares doesn’t quite have the right ring to it but these hares dont seem to care which month it is. Captured today this video clip shows brown hares boxing and chasing each other on one of our upland estates in Wensleydale.

The brown hare was introduced to the U.K. by the Romans, some believe earlier, so technically they’re not a native species unlike the blue (or mountain) hare found in Scotland and the Peak District. Strangely hares have been accepted as a naturalised species although pheasants which arrived at the same time are still referred to as non-native.

Here at YDMG we believe in equality and since both species arrived at similar times we think they should both be classed as naturalised. These mad April hares certainly make an enthralling contribution to our countryside. What do you think?


World Curlew Day.


Letter to The Times from the Chairman of the Regional Moorland Groups