Lapwing chicks.

Nidderdale Moorland Group

For many of our ground nesting birds one of the most vital tools in survival is camouflage, not only whilst incubating eggs but also for vulnerable chicks once they hatch and start to move about feeding themselves.

The first Lapwing chicks are now appearing in moorland edge fields.

These three chicks where spotted by one of our moorland gamekeepers this morning as they ventured from the nest.

Only three eggs were laid in this nest and all three have now hatched safely, but they now face the greatest challenge of their short lives in avoiding becoming prey for the many avian and mammalian predators who are on the look out for these small chicks.

The chicks know by instinct not to move when danger approaches as the parent birds give an alarm call and then they blend in with the surrounding vegetation.


Bank Holiday Walks.


RMG members and keepers visit RSPB Geltsdale