I say, Osprey

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

Fantastic news from one of our YDMG grouse moor estates!

Following on from the springtime news of the returning ospreys in Wensleydale we're delighted to report that 2023 has been another successful breeding season for these special raptors.

Two more young ospreys were ringed recently at the location having been admirably reared by the parents on a nest platform installed at Bolton Castle Estate. Here we can see the head grouse keeper ringing one of the youngsters under the supervision of a BTO specialist. Last year the very same site gave us the first record of ospreys breeding in Yorkshire for 400 years - a magnificent result for the shooting estate, particularly the gamekeepers and river bailiff who were key to this ornithological triumph.

A contingent of YDMG keepers are currently undergoing training (or now qualified) to be BTO ringers and this is a natural extension to their conservation roles that run parallel with gamekeeping duties. The public should be in no doubt that conservation and gamekeeping are inextricably linked. Along with the sublime wader productivity, the dynamic diversity and species rich habitats on our managed moors, this osprey achievement is yet another cause for celebration. Congratulations to all involved!


Heather in bloom


Moor than meets the eye